Wisconsin home buyers are now able to find bank statement loans. In the past, these loans were called stated income loans or even no documentation loans. Over time, the programs disappeared and then when they came back these loan programs developed into what we now call bank statement loans. So, whether you live in Milwaukee, Madison, Green Bay or anywhere else we can help you!
We will walk you through everything you need to know about Wisconsin bank statement loans and then connect you with a Wisconsin bank statement mortgage lender.
Wisconsin Bank Statement Loan Programs
Borrowers will qualify based upon the 12-24 month bank deposits (both personal and/or business accounts). These bank statements are what the lenders will use to determine whether you have a steady flow of funds coming in to support your future mortgage payments.
How Do You Qualify for a Wisconsin Bank Statement Mortgage?
These are just general guidelines and may vary slightly based upon your personal scenario. So, we encourage you to click to connect with a Wisconsin bank statement lender to have a free no obligation discussion.
- You must be self employed
- Down Payment – 10-20% down. Possibly more if you have a bankruptcy or bad credit.
- Credit Scores – Some lenders may allow scores as low as 550. We suggest speaking with one of our bank statement lenders to find out what your personal scenario is.
- Bank Statement Requirements – Most lenders require you to supply 12-24 months’ worth of bank statements
- P&L Statements – It is possible that your lender may require you to provide a P&L statement.
- Assets – Your assets must be fully verified.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I have to be self employed? Yes, at least one borrower on the loan must be self employed for a minimum of two years.
Can I finance an investment property? Yes, you can get a bank statement loan for an investment or even a second home.
Can I use my personal bank statements in addition to my business statements? Yes, most lenders will allow you to use both bank statement accounts.
If I have a low credit score, can I still qualify? Yes, some lenders will allow for scores as low as 500.
If I filed for bankruptcy, can I still qualify? Yes, some lenders will still help you with your loan but your down payment requirement may change.
If my business is losing money, can I qualify? You may still qualify based upon your bank deposits.
Who are some of the lenders that offer bank statement loans? Some of the bank statement mortgage lenders include North Star Funding, Citadel Servicing, First National Bank of America, Mortgage Depot, Angel Oak Mortgage Solutions, and others. However, we recommend that you click to follow this process to contact a lender and we will match you with the right one based upon your scenario.
Still have questions? Contact us!
We are able to help you to find a bank statement loan with the best bank statement lenders in the following states: Alabama, Alaska, Wisconsin, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming.